Sunday, July 10, 2011

My vector face done by me looks like an ice cream isn't it?

Friday, February 27, 2009


ELA Q: "wrong grammar overload!"

-yes love we do wrong grammar here.
hihi Cx


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

you want to put vinegar in your tea?

sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour sour

what do people hate the most?
heat? trash? stupid people? hobos? NO! people hate most are copycats.
"stop copying me"
Sharon Cuneta:
“You’re nothing but a second rate, trying-hard copycat!”
see people hate copycats. EVEN Sharon Cuneta hates copycats.
lemons and limes sour sour sour- we hate copycats!
please-PLEASE be YOURSELF! people are unique. YOU ARE ONE OF THE SO CALLED "PEOPLE" SO YOU are unique so quit copying me and do your own sty

lemons and limes sour sour sour - we hate feelers!
feelers. what are these so called "feelers". well my dear children, these are the people who feels that we like them. they go on and join the group even though we our hate levels for that certain person hits the boiling point. these people can be the ones who thinks that everything we do is for them and for them to appreciate.
for further definition for the word feeler refer to arrogant

lemons and limes sour sour sour - we hate not be able to audition for the PBB even though we waited for li
ke 9hours at least.
stop look and listen

WAIT ! give us a chance and maybe (just maybe) we can wow you with our out of this world presence. yes i cannot express my true anger in this blog (legal actions and such) and NO i am not kissing your ass! i am as pure as hell as can be to express my anger in a positive tune. ugh. i hate what happened.
i woke up after 5 hours of sleep (i did my DC - subject at school). at about 7am we are already there in line. when we got there the line was as long as a train track
. ooh cinderella was lucky.she has a fairy god parent. see people wake up! she is damn lucky not someone to pity about! wake up people!
AND back to reality. there we were at the longest line ever. i cannot explain the pain and sunburns we got. we have sunburns everywhere. at last the line moved. HALLELUJAH!
then we (j9,me and kido) decided to leave at about 11.30am leaving gama and ish behind.
after we left about 15 mins later, the once sahara desert become the tropical rain forest.
ooh it rained. not that hard but the wind is strong enough to flip an umbrella.
imagine the pain , the sacrifice just to be inside kuy
a's house.
then imagine this the line was still as long a train track even after we left.
everything for fame and money?
or just someone wants an airconditioned house for free for the whole hot sum

welcome to reality lovettes..

poverty level is rising once more -not only in the Phillippines but the who
le world is in crisis!
people takes chances like the omgosh-ing 300million lotto jockpot in the or the on going audition of PBB or even the growing number of gameshows in the country!
no jb =no money
no money= no food,shelter,clothing
no food ,shelter,clothing=death/craziness.
why don't we just die.
cooperate and DO something !

STOP being a couch potato!

this is the only thing that can comprehend the loose screw(s) inside my head.
1. click the play button
2. click the up arrow at the bottom right corner of the you tube window.
3. choose HD
4. watch.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

d is for dean

Mad TV: "you cannot scoop vanilla ice cream with chopsticks."

a doodler in heart.

when dean was born
when dean was born , every living fairy wanted to visit her but only 3 fairies were allowed to visit her as their representative. the 3 fairies brought gifts .
the first fairy gave dean the gift of doodling.
first fairy: "this gift will give you non stop doodling powers. you will never get tired of doodling." the second fairy gave her the gift of love.
second fairy:" this gift will make you love everything especially chickens and hamsters." and lastly the third fairy gave her the gift of happiness."
third fairy: "this gift will make you happy all the time with no reason at all. and you will make people laugh with no reason at all."
but there was a fourth fairy the unwanted fairy. the fourth fairy is the black fairy, full of misery an
d sadness.
the fourth fairy also brought a gift.
fourth fairy:"i bring yo
u dear child beauty and bitchiness. beauty like a siren draws his men into their death and the perfect bitchiness to win every war like king Leonidas."

the egg cracked
no dean didn't become a mass destruction.
she lived happily ever after but then again there must be a chaos to be called a story.
she met Him.
this is a picture of Him. (Him don't deserve to have multicolors.)
Him broke dean's happily ever after so dean now need to search her new man in tights.

then the rest is now.
keep reading. happy holidays.
i heart johnny depp!

watching xxx (channel 6)

Friday, February 20, 2009

let my hair breathe!

you caught me.
i soo want to color my hair -bad! my hair is not really black as in black black. it is like a dark brownish blackish hair... (that's weird) .well anyways as i was saying i want to have my hair colored. my friend j9 suggested that i color my hair hazel brown.
i googled this picture for basis (i don't really know what shade is hazel brown).i
a b
this shade only mine would be much darker because i have a darker base.
so it would look more like picture b. i am asian but not as white as snow. i live in a tropical country so tan is normal.

ooh i so want to color my hair but mommy dearst won't allow me. she said it would get damaged and white hair would appear. it also would make me look older.
mommies they always know best.
now how would i look fabulous (T.T)


i heard his name again..
+his friends called me 30 mins ago.
it sucked!
i hate this freakin' feeling
i hate it ihate it
but that's life ryt?

i still have one more week to take my braces off garr

i met a new friend garcia.

i still hate the white dude.

feb 20,2009

rocket dean

the DEAN FUNK 1991
born: feb. 20, 2009